Who Am I?

Well I'm just another bored teenager of course. Well I don't like to think of myself as average. I am simply me. I am who God created me to be and I'm ok with that. I'm not perfect. I'm not the prettiest or the smartest girl you'll ever meet, but I'm comfortable in my own skin. I have a purpose in life and I'm going to figure that out and fulfill it someday. I'm different and I don't mind. Some people think I'm weird or strange or crazy, but I don't mind. Love me or hate me, it's your choice and not really something I can change. I know I'm not going to be everyone's favorite person but that's ok, I don't have to be. As long as I can be myself and live life how I should, I'll be happy. I'll deny that sometimes and think I'm miserable, but deep down I'll be happy. I'm not the cookie cutter little miss perfect either. I have my flaws, I've had my tough times that have gone to the extreme. I've gone down dark roads and I'm lucky (not to mention thankful!) to be writing this. Don't try to label me, it's impossible.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Lately, I've been wondering "Why" to a lot of things. Why do we waste time in front of the TV? Why do we like what we like? Why does the sun shine? Why do people like being negative so much? Why are we so pressured into conforming at all times? Why don't we have the boldness to stand out? Why? Why? Why?
Well, the simplest answer to these things that I've gotten is "Because that's how life works." Has anyone thought deeper than that? Well "Why do people act so negative" has it's more specific reasons such as insecurity, history, and things like that. Totally understandable. Now what I don't understand is why people just have to dwell in it. Life is full of pain, but also full of laughter and smiles and hope. Of course someone could just as easily say "Well why are you being an optimist? Life isn't always happy!" My response to that: "Why not? Why CHOOSE to live life like it's all dreary and sad?" What's the point of life if you live in misery? That's just one thing I'll never know I guess.

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