Who Am I?

Well I'm just another bored teenager of course. Well I don't like to think of myself as average. I am simply me. I am who God created me to be and I'm ok with that. I'm not perfect. I'm not the prettiest or the smartest girl you'll ever meet, but I'm comfortable in my own skin. I have a purpose in life and I'm going to figure that out and fulfill it someday. I'm different and I don't mind. Some people think I'm weird or strange or crazy, but I don't mind. Love me or hate me, it's your choice and not really something I can change. I know I'm not going to be everyone's favorite person but that's ok, I don't have to be. As long as I can be myself and live life how I should, I'll be happy. I'll deny that sometimes and think I'm miserable, but deep down I'll be happy. I'm not the cookie cutter little miss perfect either. I have my flaws, I've had my tough times that have gone to the extreme. I've gone down dark roads and I'm lucky (not to mention thankful!) to be writing this. Don't try to label me, it's impossible.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So many of us dream big. Then we wonder if we'll ever achieve those dreams. Today I was listening to the song "I Have A Dream" by Group 1 Crew. Why is it that sometimes the ones with the wildest dreams are the ones that can make their dreams come true? Is it because all of us other people take things for granted so much? 
I've had a lot or opportunities that others would kill for. I let them pass me by because they're not my dreams, but could very easily be. I used to dream of being a champion equestrian. I used to dream of being a world renown zoologist, now, I don't even have a one single dream for my life. I guess I can say my dream occupation is "Mother" I just want to be married by 23, have a big family, be a stay at home mom/free lance author or work at home with productions. But on the other hand, I can see myself as single and at the top of the career ladder, CEO or head of marketing for some major company. Big dreams, but I'm determined to reach something. God has a plan and a purpose for ALL of us. That includes me and YOU my amazing reader if anyone actually reads this. I just want you to know, you're dreams are reachable, well as long as it's not something like growing wings and flying... but you know what I mean! Dare to dream big. Dare to believe. 
Good comes to those who dare, dreams will be reached, passions will be found, and life will be lived, but you have to DARE to make it all happen. 

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